Geehy 珠海极海半导体有限公司是一家致力于开发工业级/车规级微处理器、高性能模拟芯片及系统级芯片的集成电路设计型企业,总部为纳思达股份有限公司(“纳思达”,002180.SZ)。Geehy 极海团队拥有20年集成电路设计经验和嵌入式系统开发能力,可为客户提供核心可靠的芯片产品及方案,实现准确感应、安全传输和实时控制,助力客户在智慧家居、高端消费电子、工业控制、汽车电子、智慧能源以及通信设施等领域的拓展创新。
以科技创新加速产业升级,Geehy 极海现建有六大芯片研发中心(珠海、上海、杭州、郑州、成都、美国北卡罗来纳州),多个研发合作基地,超500人研发团队,具备国内先进的芯片设计与研发水平,全方位的软硬件设计服务及完备的加密引擎平台。
“用芯驱动产业创新,持续为客户创造价值。”Geehy 极海立志成为国际领先的集成电路设计企业。
Geehy Semiconductor is an IC design company that specializes in industrial and automotive grade microprocessors, mixed signal analog ICs, and SoCs. Its parent company is Ninestar Corporation (002180.SZ).
With 20 years of IC design experience and embedded system capability, Geehy can provide customers with core, reliable chip products that enable accurate sensing, secure transmission, and real-time control, helping them to expand in automotive, industrial, new energy, and consumer electronics.
Geehy now has six chip R&D centers (Zhuhai, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Zhengzhou, Chengdu, and North Carolina), multiple R&D cooperation bases, and an R&D team of over 500 employees, accelerating industrial upgrading through scientific and technological innovation. Geehy has a domestic advanced chip design and R&D level, a full range of software and hardware design services, and a full range of manufacturing services.
"Continuously drive industry innovation and create value for customers." Geehy's ambition is to become a world-class integrated circuit design company.
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